Saturday, November 28, 2015

Things to consider before booking your first session for Laser Hair Removal

Hair today, gone tomorrow has been the motto for millions of men and women. Everyone wants to look best and can do anything to achieve that perfect look. With the growing popularity of bikini season, race to remove unwanted hair begins in earnest. People are curious to know whether laser hair removal techniques are safe or they should stick to basic waxing and shaving. The best solution for people looking for permanent laser hair removal therapy opts for laser hair removal.

Laser Hair Removal Therapy
Laser Hair Removal Therapy

Laser hair removal therapy is a medical procedure in which unwanted hair can be removed with the help of laser beam of light. In this process a laser beam passes through the hair follicle of an individual. The strong heat of the laser damages the hair follicle and prevents future growth. Laser hair removal does not guarantee permanent hair removal, though it effectively slows down the hair growth. For extended hair free period you need multiple laser hair removal treatments and periodic maintenance.

1.    Laser hair removal requires less mysterious method than it actually seems. It uses the laser beam that detects the pigment within the hair follicle and disables it with each treatment. It takes up to 3 months to see full results.

2.    Laser hair removal technique is recommended only for those who have light- tan skin with dark hair. The technique will not work on people who have dark skin tones or blonde hair. In case of lighter hair it’s difficult for laser beam to pick any pigment within the hair to disable the follicle. If the person has dark skin then the laser cannot differentiate between the hair pigments and the skin pigment, thus putting the patient’s safety at risk. Laser hair removal is a solid option for someone who possesses the correct skin type and hair color.

3.    Laser Hair Removal is not one-and-done type of treatment but it requires 6+ treatments for optimal results, some customers are fortunate enough to see a decrease within first two treatments. Customer can see permanent result only when device is used once every week for up to 3 months. Laser hair removal does not mean complete hair removal but only removal of majority of hair follicles.

4.    Laser Hair Removal Treatment seems quite expensive for some consumers as it cost somewhere around $1000 for complete procedure.

5.    Keep in mind that slight pain, temporary redness and minor swelling at the treated site is quite normal, so if you are looking for laser hair removal treatment prepare yourself accordingly J

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